Triodi/tetrodi-kytkimellä varustettu päätevahvistin 6550-pääteputkilla (8kpl). Saatavissa myös KT88-putkilla. Tehoa reilusti ylimitoitetun, järeän virtalähteen ansiosta; 2x75W 8ohm triodi – 2x90W 4ohm triodokytkettynä ja 2x140W 8ohm – 2x175W 4ohm tetrodikytkettynä. Käsityötä Kaliforniasta.
- High energy storage power supply >200 joules
- VTL proprietary output transformer
- Very low-noise floor with specially designed grounding scheme
- Tetrode/Triode Switchable
- 150 watts per channel in tetrode
- 70 watts per channel in triode
- 4 6550 tubes per channel with individual bias setting for each tube
- Audiophile grade film and foil caps used in the signal path
- Extruded aluminum front panel with luxurious, modern look — black and silver options available

” Editor’s Choice. What matters is the sheer silky naturalness of the sound, matched by the authority one demands of units costing far more. Robust yet refined, well-built – this is pure class. ” – yhdessä TL-5.5II etuvahvistimen kanssa – Ken Kessler / HI-FI NEWS (July 2012)

Editor’s Choice Award 2022
” Sonically the amp delivers plenty of wallop, but is also capable of fine dynamic shading, excellent resolution, and great overall coherence, with the attendant bloom, air, and texture tube lovers desire. ”

” Highlight, Absolute Spitzenklasse ” STEREOPLAY (6/2021)

” Editor’s Choice Award 2024 ” The Absolute Sound