VTL-uutuus. Entistäkin laadukkaammilla osilla ryyditetty versio Series II-mallista. Musiikinnälkäisen kuuntelijan valinta RIAA-vahvistimeksi.
MM- ja MC-rasioille. Säädettävä 6-asentoinen impedanssi MC-rasioille. Kaksiasentoinen MC-gain 56dB ja 62dB. Putkitoteutus VTL:n tapaan. J-Fet ja putket MC-puolelle sekä täysputki MM-puolelle.
Mukana myös MC Step Up-muuntajat pieniantoisille 0,2-0,3mV MC-äänirasioille. Erittäin laadukkaat komponentit. Musiikin ystävän avainkomponentiksi vinyylinautiskeluun. Hopea ja musta.
”With the new TP-2.5i we have created an entry to true high-end analog sound.”
- Low noise hybrid JFET/tube active MC stage, and pure tube MM stage.
- Separate MM and MC inputs.
- User-switchable MC resistive cartridge loading with 6 settings: 100Ω, 250Ω, 470Ω, 1kΩ, 4k7Ω, 47kΩ.
- User selectable MC StepUp loads are 100Ω, 470Ω, 1kΩ.
- User selectable MM loads are 10kΩ, 47kΩ, 100kΩ.
- User- switchable MC gain settings of 62dB and 56dB.
- Passive RIAA filter,
- Buffered output for driving low impedances through any cable.
- Zero microprocessor noise.
- Front panel Power, Rumble/Mono and Mute switches.
- Rumble function rolls off to -3dB at 10Hz.
- Audiophile-grade components throughout, including REL caps.
- Low-radiation power transformer with comprehensive AC RF filtering and shielding.

” One area where VTL has not compromised is parts quality. Anyone looking for a superbly enjoyable but moderately priced phonostage with a touch of tube bliss would do well to consider the TP-2.5i. ” Jacob Heilbrunn / The Absolute Sound (Feb 2020)

”When compared to the big boys—costly gear from Boulder, Ypsilon, and so forth—the VTL isn’t some kind of giant-slayer. But the comparison isn’t fair, or to put it another way, it’s only enlightening in showing that gear in th TP-2.5i’s price range comes tantalizingly close to achieving the performance of far more elaborate designs with separate power supplies and the like.”
Jacob Heilbrunn, The Absolute Sound

” 179 punkte – vain kolme paremmat pisteet saaneita, hinnaltaan 1300-3800€ kalliimpia. ” AUDIO STEREOPLAY (9/2024)

” Editor’s Choice Award 2024 ” The Absolute Sound