McIntoshin cd/sacd-pyöritin laadukkaan DA-muuntimen seuraksi. McIntosh-mallistosta löytyy useita etuvahvistimia ja integroituja vahvistimia, jotka hyödyntävät täysimääräisesti MCT500:n ominaisuudet.
Optinen ja koaksiaalinen ulostulo sekä SACD/DSD-DIN lähtö, jonka kautta kulkee myös sacd-ääni. Vastaava tuloliitäntä löytyy uudemman McIntosh-malliston vahvistimista ja DA-muuntimista.
Hiljainen mekanismi ja alumiininen levykelkka. Kauko-ohjain.
Be transported into your music with the MCT500 SACD/CD Transport.
The MCT500 is a digital only unit and features 4 digital outputs: industry standard balanced, coax and optical outputs plus our exclusive MCT connector. To enjoy your CDs, it can be paired with any product that has standard digital inputs and a digital-to-analog convertor (DAC). This includes select McIntosh home theater processors, integrated amplifiers and preamplifiers.
For SACD playback, the MCT500’s proprietary MCT output needs to be connected (via the included cable) to a McIntosh product with an MCT input. This includes the D1100, C52, C2600, C47 and D150 preamplifiers, MA9000, MA8900, MA7200 or MA5300 integrated amplifiers or MAC7200 receiver. When the MCT500 is connected to one of these devices, a secure digital connection is created, allowing for the playback of the high definition audio found on SACDs. Regular CDs can also be played over the MCT connection.
All common disc types can be played on the MCT500, including SACD, CD, CD-R/RW and DVD-R. A twin laser optical pickup assures optimal disc reading. A USB input is conveniently located on the front panel for easy access. In addition to store bought CDs and SACDs, popular file formats such as AAC, AIFF, ALAC, DSD (up to DSD128), FLAC, MP3, WAV (up to 24-bit/192kHz) and WMA can be played from user generated CD or DVD Data Discs and USB flash drives.1
Disc handling is smooth and quiet thanks to an advanced disc transport with a precision die-cast aluminum tray. An advanced digital servo provides fast, quiet and accurate operation. A disc’s audio data is read at twice the normal rate insuring better disc tracking and error correction processing.
Integration with other McIntosh system components is achieved via the Power Control and data ports. The MCT500 is wrapped in classic McIntosh styling with a polished stainless steel chassis, black glass front panel, illuminated logo and aluminum end caps.

” As an overall observation of my time with the MCT500, I’d characterize the presentations lively, vibrant, with that always welcome McIntosh combination of body and solidity yet melodic flow and rhythmic incisiveness, properly detailed, highly resolved, and always musically natural. ” The Absolute Sound (April 2021)

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