Musicalin cd-soitin, jossa yhdistyy vankka mekaaninen rakenne ja toteutus ja hintaluokkansa huippua edustava äänenlaatu.
Kehittynyt virtalähde ja Musicalin tunnettua digitaaliosaamista filtteripuolella. Erinomainen häiriöttömyys ja pieni jitter tuovat musiikkiin aidon fiiliksen.
Kauko-ohjain. Musta ja hopea.
Like the matching M2si integrated amplifier, the M2scd is designed as serious hi-fi available at a modest price. From the fine fit and finish of its metal casework to the unique technology sitting inside, the M2scd exceeds expectations. The M2scd builds on our years of engineering expertise, uniquely featuring both a mains choke filter and a high-tech digitalstream noise filter. Such innovations enable the player to deliver technical performance; it boasts low distortion and a virtually flat frequency response, plus minimal noise and jitter.
The M2scd’s DAC design also draws from its high-end siblings, using cutting-edge technology to ensure excellent data recovery from your discs. Simply put, that means you’ll hear more from your music. Reviews say ”a very mature and polished performer”, which ”sounds refined and elegant”.

” Sounds expansive, detailed and delicately layered.”
WHAT Hi-Fi (02/2020)

” With M2scd a fine pairing and turn in an excellent performance, especially given thier relatively low pricing.”
Adam Smith – HI-FI NEWS

” Simple to use, sonically powerful and dynamic! Price/Performance: Excellent! ”
Michael Lang – STEREO (03/2019)

2 The CD player, run through a high-end amplifier system, showed how persuasively it can play a disc.”
Gramophone (06/2019)

” Modern manufacturing, fresh engeneering expertise have produced a finde pairing. Highly recommended.”
Audio Appraisal (08/2019)