Nordost Valhalla 2-kaiutinkaapelit on intohimoisen musiikin ystävän valinta kaapeliksi huipputason laitteistoon. Nordostin ainutlaatuinen Dual Mono-Filament-rakenne, FEP-suojaus ja hopeapäällysteiset solid core-säikeet. Tehokas flat ribbon FEP-suojaeristys. Basso on kontrollissa, vaikka voimaa ja painoa on pakottomasti. Nopeutta, sävyja, timbren toistumista, dynamiikkaa, läpikuultavuutta sekä avointa läsnäolon tuntua on tarjolla hätkähdyttävästi. Valittavissa Nordostin omilla, huippuluokan HOLO:PLUG-liittimillä, joko banaani- tai haarukkaversiona.
Saatavissa 2,0m 17500€ – 2,5m 19700€ – 3,0m 21900€ ja 4400€/lisämetri. Hinta/pari.
The Valhalla 2 Reference Speaker Cable consists of twenty-eight conductors divided into four groups of seven. Each conductor is made from solid core 99.999999% oxygen free copper and plated with 85 microns of silver. A Dual Mono-Filament wrap is applied and helically wound around each conductor before a precision FEP jacket is extruded over the outside. The transmission speed of the cable is extremely fast, at 97% the speed of light. V2 exemplifies state of the art technology with very wide bandwidth signals and minimum phase shift. It delivers incredible transient response and dynamic resolution, preserving depth of musical detail and allowing listeners to follow complex recordings with ease. The V2 Reference Speaker Cable is terminated with HOLO:PLUG ® gold-plated spade connectors or Nordost low-mass Z plugs.
” Editor’s Choice 2022 ” The Absolute Sound
“The Valhalla 2, which has been considerably upgraded from its previous version, is a mesmerizing performer…It delivers the whole package: speed, detail, resolution, and musicality…Nordost has struck a fine balance here, producing a cable that will elevate the performance of just about any audio system.”
– Jacob Heilbrunn, The Absolute Sound
” Very highly recommended ” AUDIOPHILIA
“Yes, it is detail-packed, more focused, more clean, more dynamic, more precise, possessed of better inner detail, better microdynamics, and all the things that audiophiles find themselves drawn to, but more importantly it shows you what you liked about your music played through your system, in a more polished and professional presentation.”
– Alan Sircom, Hi-Fi+
“After spending vast amounts of time listening to the Valhalla 2 References, and even vaster amounts of time trying to analyze their characteristics, I ended up where I’d begun. The Valhalla 2 Reference cables are the best I’ve ever heard, and made my system sound the best it ever has.”
– Brian Damkroger, Stereophile
“I’ve been living with the Valhalla 2 cables for about six months, and I find myself listening to a lot more music than I used to. It’s not that I love cables. I love music. These cables bring out the music more than any others in my experience. They do this by offering the flattest and most extended frequency response, the highest level of detail, the greatest accuracy of instrumental and vocal tone and full responsiveness to transients and sustained harmonics. All these are technical considerations which can be measured in the laboratory. But to the listener, it comes through as transparency to the source, which is the measure of every element in the chain. There is no editorializing, no false emphasis in the lower bass, no blending of individual voices, no loss of texture on a stringed instrument, nothing that harms the flow of music or reduces its level of detail or dynamic range.”
– Phil Gold, NOVO
“Nordost knows the science; Nordost knows how to apply science to a very misunderstood field. Others play with fire, sticks and magic potions: Nordost is the antithesis—cable quality and energy transfer can be measured in scientific terms and proven conclusively to work as advertised.”
– Danny Kaey, Positive Feedback