Nordostin Norse 2-sarjan huippu – Tyr 2 kaiutinkaapelit. Ainutlaatuinen Micro Mono-Filament-rakenne, FEP-suojaus ja hopeapäällysteiset solid core-säikeet. Tehokas flat ribbon FEP-suojaeristys. Basso on kontrollissa, vaikka voimaa ja painoa on pakottomasti. Nopeutta, dynamiikkaa sekä avointa läsnäolon tuntua on tarjolla hätkähdyttävästi. Valittavissa joko banaani- tai haarukkaliittimin.
Saatavissa 2,0m 9200€ – 2,5m 10300€ – 3,0m 11400€ ja 2200€/lisämetri. Hinta/pari.
Norse 2 Series loudspeaker cables deliver a level of performance not previously possible at their price points. Nordost’s proprietary Micro Mono-Filament construction creates a virtual air dielectric complete with an elegantly engineered suspension system. When combined with silver-plated OFC solid core conductors and extruded, flat ribbon FEP insulation, the result is the ideal electrically and mechanically controlled construction for ultra-fast, low-loss signal transfer between amplifier and loudspeakers.
Tyr 2 represents the top of the Norse 2 series. Combining natural dynamics with real world weight and scale, the results are spectacular without being hyped or exaggerated, allowing performances and recordings, as well as the electronics reproducing them, to deliver every last ounce of music that’s on the disc. With advanced mechanical tuning to aid the exceptional electrical performance of the Micro Mono-Filament construction, Tyr 2’s only competition comes from Nordost’s Reference ranges.

”The QBASE QB8 power distribution box along with the Tyr 2 power cords offered a staggering performance upgrade in both systems I tried them with. They presented a clean, quiet foundation for the system, allowing each and every audio component to achieve its full potential. The performance uplift was transformational, in some cases approaching what you would expect from upgrading some of the components. Putting the Tyr 2 interconnects and speaker cables into play, further enriched the performance of the system, raising the performance bar of both my systems to the highest level I have yet experienced.”
– Suave Kajko, NOVO / Canada HiFi
”There’s no question in my mind that the Norse 2 Tyr 2s sound superb. Inserting them in an already great-sounding system previously lashed up with their little brother Freys, I clearly heard consistent gains in all categories of sound. How often does that happen? How much is it worth? With Nordost’s Norse 2 Tyr 2s, I’m extremely confident you’ll get your money’s worth, which in the world of cables, is far from a given.”
– Jason Thorpe, Soundstage Ultra
“The Nordost’s performance continued to improve past the 120-hour break-in to the extent that not only the bottom-end held more definition, the midrange to top-end became opened up and provided more detail as well.”
– Constantine Soo, Dagogo