Luxmanin upeasti viimeistelty ja toteutettu putkivahvistin, jonka sydämenä sykkii avoin, tarkka ja kaunis ääni.
Triodikytketyn, ECC83-putkilla toteutetun etuvahvistimen jatkeena push pull-kytketty EL84-pääteputkinelikko pentoditoteutuksena. Teho 2x10W 6ohm – kuunnellessa SQ-N150 tuntuu paljonkin isommalta ja tehokkaammalta. Soveltuu 4-16ohm kaiuttimien vahvistukseen.
Kolme linjasisääntuloa ja laadukas levysoitinaste, jossa sekä MM- että MC-äänirasioiden vahvistus. Kuulokevahvistin, liitäntä etupaneelissa. Basso-, diskantti- ja balanssisäädöt. Line straight-ohitus sävynsäädöille. Alumiininen, tukeva kauko-ohjain.
You’ll enjoy surpassingly detailed, open music reproduction thanks to the exceptional linearity of LUXMAN’s P-K split phase inversion circuit. We married an input stage of two JJ Electronic ECC83 miniature double triodes to a push-pull output with four JJ Electronic EL84 pentodes. And with our deep knowledge of tube design, we configured the SQ-N150 for consistent performance and long operating life. On paper, we rate power output at 10 Watts + 10 Watts at 6 ohms. In practice, the sound is fit for the most demanding listeners.
LUXMAN provides three line inputs and a phono section that accommodates both moving magnet and moving coil cartridges, so you don’t need to purchase a separate MC preamp. We plated the RCA jacks in gold and pitched them at 18 mm to accommodate high-end cables. For minimum crosstalk between left and right channels, we used the same input selector IC as on our top-of-the-line C-900u control amplifier. For ultimate sonic purity, the Line Straight mode can bypass the Bass, Treble and Balance controls. The headphone output jack is ideal for late night listening.
The aluminum-finished remote control operates volume as well as a LUXMAN CD player, such as the matching LUXMAN D-N150 digital player.
The 5 mm thick aluminum chassis has a modest “A4” footprint, just 210 x 297 mm (8-1/4 x 11-3/4 inches), not including projecting parts. The blasted white inish contrasts nicely with the hairlines on the machined aluminum controls. The orange LED lighting of the analog level meters provides a visual counter-point to the glow of the vacuum tubes.
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