Jorma Unity on ultrapuhtaasta ja -ohuesta kuparista tehty huipputason kaiutinkaapeli. Eristeenä mm.huipputehokasta teflonia. Luonnollista, koherenttia ja läpikuultavaa ääntä. Saatavana WBT:n banaani- tai haarukkaliittimin. Hinta 1,0m mittaiselle parille. Lisäpituudet +1100€/m. Saatavana myös haluttu pituus – esim. 2,2m
Saatavana myös biwire-versiona 1,0m 8300€ – lisäpituudet 2100€/m
Jorma Unity is powered by technology from Origo, elevating it far beyond its roots as the first production series. The cables are crafted with fine materials including 99.999999% pure Copper (0.75mm2) and transparent Teflon. Jorma Unity offers natural, transparent sound; it’s the super-charged original.

Jorma Audio Unity Cables & Interconnects in Stereo Times review by Key Kim.
the Jorma Audio Unity cables are truly remarkable. They are not just true reference cables, they are my Stereo Times’ Most Wanted Component award winner for 2011. Highly recommended!!