Carbon 18 XL on Kimberin uuden Carbon-sarjan kuningasmalli. 18 XL on vuosien kehitystyön tulos ja tarjoaa kaiutinkaapeleiden joukossa varteenotettavan vaihtoehdon, kun haet settiisi huippulaadukkaan kaiutinkaapeliratkaisun.
Carbon 18 XL toimii mainiosti lattiakaiuttimien ja bassotoistoltaan pystyvien jalustakaiuttimien kanssa. VariStrand-johtimet kuparia, hiilikuitu- ja tefloneristys, käsin terminoidut WBT-banaani- tai haarukkaliittimet.
Pituudet 2,0m 5800€ – 2,5m 6600€ – 3,0m 7400€
Carbon 18 XL is the big boy of the series. It has been designed for heavy lifting. Powerful amplifiers and speakers are easily supported in their efforts to deliver clean natural sound.
- Low loss fluorocarbon dielectric
- 16 wire counter opposed helix with 2 wires in core
- VariStrand copper conductors
- Nitrogen assisted hand soldered termination
- Electrostatically dissipative carbon polymer

” It’s all about fine-tuning – the process of mining, honing, and refining in order to recover that last bit of resolution and transparency. That’s what Kimber Carbon does so well. It only serves one master – the music itself. ” Neil Gader / The Absolute Sound (Dec 2021)

” It’s a great addition to the pantheon of high-end cables – less ’me too’, more ’can do’ ” HI-FI NEWS (Oct 2022)

” Editor’s Choice Award 2024 ” The Absolute Sound