MSB:n DAC-helmi. Kun haluat siirtyä uudelle tasolle digitaaliäänen toistossa.
Nyt vakiovarusteena Femto93-kellopiiri ja Premier Power Base-huipputason virtalähde.
Uudet Prime DAC-modulit (4 kpl), jotka pohjautuvat Reference- ja Select Hybrid DAC-moduleihin. Huipputason The Femto 93-kello.
Valittavana joko RCA- tai täysin balansoituna XLR-ulostulomodulilla. Vakiona laadukas äänenvoimakkuustoteutus ja -säätö. Säätö voidaan myös tarvittaessa täysin ohittaa. The Premier Power Base-virtalähde. Vakiotuloliitännät AES/EBU XLR, koaksiaalinen ja 2 x optinen.
Kaksi vaihdettavaa modulipaikkaa tuloliitännöiksi, mm. Renderer-verkkosoitinmoduli, AES/EBU, i2S, Pro USB yhdessä Pro ISL-sovittimen kanssa, USB with MQA.
Saatavana hopeana tai mustana anodisoidulla viimeistelyllä. Hinta sisältää ladattavan, metallisen The MSB Remote-kauko-ohjaimen, arvo 390€.
Lisävarusteena mm.
-USB with MQA 1250€
-Pro USB 1250€
-Pro ISL 1250€
-AES/EBU-moduli 1250€
-Audio Renderer moduli 2450€
-Optical & coaxial 1250€
-Dual Pro i2S 1250€
The key highlights of both our Hybrid and Prime DAC modules are:
- Fully Balanced design down to the conversion point.
- No buffers, IV converter, or transistors in the signal path. No active devices after conversion at all.
- Dynamically configurable between a discrete native DSD, or discrete native PCM DAC. The DAC has two modes:a multibit PCM mode and a massive parallel single-bit discrete DSD mode.
- Based off a discrete ladder DAC design far beyond the performance of a basic R2R architecture.
- Each DAC module is individually shielded and thermally bonded for a stringent temperature control.
- Multiple DACs per channel for increased performance and lower output impedance.
- Each DAC module is individually tested and then hand-matched with our rigorous automated measurement system.
We are excited for this next generation of DAC technology. To create these products, we developed the new Prime DAC module derived from the Reference and Select Hybrid DACs. Trickle down technology has given us exceptional performance vs price.
The Premier comes standard with the The Femto 93 Clock. The Femto 93 offers lower than 93 femto-seconds of jitter and is fully user upgradable.
The Premier DAC comes equipped the choice of an XLR or RCA output module. It is a fully balanced design with 150Ω output impedance and includes built in volume attenuation. There is no analog input available on either module, as well as no analog expansion options.
The Premier DAC comes with The Premier Powerbase. The Premier Powerbase offers two Dual-link power connectors that supply a total of four completely isolated power supplies to the Premier DAC. The Premier Powerbase also gives the user a convenient power button at the front of the product, as well as an IR receiver for remote functionality.
Available in matte silver and matte black anodized finishes. Replaceable foot guards are included to protect the chassis from damage. Any standard M6X1 foot can be installed.

” Outstanding Product. I almost jumped out of my seat, it was so genuine. A triumph. ” Ken Kessler / HI-FI NEWS (Aug 2019)