MiND2 on MOONin uusimman sukupolven striimeri musiikinystävälle, joka haluaa parempaa äänenlaatua kohtuuhintaan. Uusimmat mahdollisuudet, mm.Roon Raedy. MQA ja DSD. TIDAL-, Deezer- ja Qobuz-musiikkipalvelut. Tune In nettiradiopalvelut. Käyttö sovelluksen kautta Applen ja Android-mobiililaitteilla.
Digitaaliset uloslähdöt optinen, koaksiaalinen ja AES/EBU DA-muuntimelle vietäväksi.
Musta viimeistely.
2nd Generation
MiND 2 is the second generation of the MOON intelligent Network Device. In addition to all original MiND features, MiND 2 i Roon Ready, offers multi-room synchronized playback and streams MQA audio files.
The control center of a MiND is our proprietary application running on an iPad, iPhone or Android device. Not only does MiND 2 allow to access, browse and play the music you care for (from your computer, NAS, mobile devices and various internet based music services), it also gives you the control of your MOON Hi-Fi system for ultimate ease of use. This is what streaming music is all about!
Easy Connectivity
The MiND 2 outputs a digital audio signal (Toslink, SPDIF, AES/EBU) allowing any DAC to reach its maximum sonic potential. The addition of Bluetooth aptX audio support provides easy connectivity with your wireless devices.
- Multi-room synchronized playback
- Roon Ready device
- Tidal, with Tidal Masters support
- Deezer with Deezer Hi-Fi support
- Qobuz, with Qobuz Sublime+ support
- Tune-In internet radios
- Music Services fully integrated
- UPnP Compatibility
- Play queue mixing multiple sources capability (tracks from various services)
- Up to 32 bits/384 kHz sampling rate support on wired connection
- Up to DSD 256 sampling rate support on wired connection
- iOS & Android compatible control App
- SimLink™ communication channel to control other MOON components
- Software based technology for better future upgradeability

” ***** The Neo MiND delivers a performance we rarely hear from streamers around this price. ” WHAT HI-FI (Jan 2019) (aikaisempi MiND-malli)

” Bäst ljud! ” HIFI & MUSIK (4/2018) (aikaisempi MiND-malli)