Musical Fidelity A1


1 599,00 (sis. alv)

Toimitusaika: 2-5 arkipäivää

A1 on alunperin 1985 esitelty vahvistin, joka on nyt täysin uusiutuneena saanut uudet komponentit. Uusi virtamuuntaja, parempi ALPS-voimakkuudensäätö, uudet transistorit, konkat, resistorit. Levysoitinaste ja etuvahvistinosa entistä paremmalla signaali-/kohinasuhteella jne.

2x25W Class-A kytkennällä ja erinomaisella 25A virranantokyvyllä. MM/MC-levysoitinaste, viisi linjatuloa. Linja- ja pre out-lähdöt. Kauko-ohjain. Musta


In Hi-Fi, the Musical Fidelity A1 has become one of the most classic designs – inside and out. First released back in 1985, it quickly made waves for being an absolute beast when it came down to driving some of the most difficult speakers of that time, even though it was actually a rather low powered integrated amplifier. But: it was all done in pure Class A with excellent and expertly laid out discrete symmetrical circuitry topology and using only highest quality components. The A1 showed people that there was more to amplifiers than just high power.

Based on its huge success, the A1 has gone through multiple reissues and new versions over the years.

Now for 2023, for the first time since its initial release we have actually kept all specifications, the appearance and circuits of the 1985 rendition for those who missed out the first time. With an updated transformer, power supplies and modern low noise components we’ve revitalized the formula and are proud to reintroduce the fresh original – three decades later.

The A1 through time – Improvements to the original

  • Updated transformer to more efficient “dual mono split rail” windings
  • High quality and updated ALPS RK series potentiometer as volume control
  • IR remote control added for volume
  • Gain block before volume control totally by passable using “direct” switch (-10dB)
  • All transistors including output devices are carefully selected modern equivalents
  • All capacitors in signal path are polypropylene (PP) type
  • Resistors are modern low noise metal film types
  • Care and attention made to not change any component specification from original but to update them to modern equivalent with long lifespan
  • Layout faithfully follows original within circuit sections on circuit board
  • Circuit sections better laid out, in particular the separate supplies and power amplifiers
  • Phono stage and preamplifier improved for less noise and hum


The A1 in Brief

  • 25W Pure Class A power @ 8 Ohm
  • Discrete symmetrical topology
  • Planar Audio transistors with 25A maximum output
  • Dynamic class A, slides (NOT switches) smoothly into Class B, allowing more current as needed
  • Therefore drives difficult speakers with no problems
  • Updated transformer to “dual mono split rail” windings
  • Fully independent left and right power supplies
  • Each power amplifier now has double supply capacity
  • Transformer noise and heat dissipation reduced
  • Filtered main supplies
  • Gain block before volume control totally bypassable using “direct” switch
  • High quality and updated ALPS RK series potentiometer
  • Low noise TL071 JFET preamplifier circuitry
  • Discrete current-mode MM/MC phono input stage
  • Low noise current to voltage converter for further amplification and RIAA equalisation
  • Automatic input impedance matching (1K nominal) for MC along with increased gain
  • Original (1985) A1 appearance and circuits with modern improvements
  • Remote control added for volume
  • Modern updated low noise components

“It is true ‘affordable esoterica’, then – offering performance in some respects that’s hard to beat at three, four or maybe five times the price.”


David Price – Stereonet 09/2023

“It now sonically delivers everything you could expect from a modestly sized Class A amplifier: Detailed liquid smooth harmonically saturated mid-range good bass, top end that‘s extended and refined. ”


“The creamy colourful music reproduction is of outstanding quality, extremely delicate and fine, of rarely heard detail and expressiveness. The stage is very well illuminated and layered in depth. Preis/Leistung: Exzellent ”


Tom Frantzen – Stereo 09/2023

” Jotain erityisen hienoa A1:n äänessä on. Tämä vahvistin osaa tehdä musiikista rytmisesti elävää ja ryhdikästä genrestä riippumatta. A1:stä ei ole ajamaan kaikkia kaiuttimia, mutta kun sopiva osuu kohdalle, sen tuottaman äänen energisyys ja puhtaus saattaa yllättää.”  Kari Nevalainen / HIFIMAAILMA (8/2023)

” Leserwahl 2024-voittaja ”  AUDIO STEREOPLAY

” Prisvärd!  + Härligt ljud  + Härlig känsla ”  HIFI & MUSIK (3/2024)

” Outstanding Product ”  HI-FI NEWS (Feb 2024)

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