Quad 33 on maineikkaan, yli 50 vuotta sitten julkaistun etuvahvistimen uusi, moderni painos tämän päivän tekniikalla ryyditettynä. Yhdessä 303-päätevahvistimen kanssa Quad 33 muodostaa upea-äänisen ja ajattoman tyylikkään vahvistinasteen kohtuuhinnalla.
Varusteltu mm.uudella, laadukkaalla levysoitinasteella, jossa sekä MM- että MC-äänirasioiden vahvistus. Laadukas volume-toteutus takaa äänenlaadun ja käyttömukavuuden vuosiksi eteenpäin. Fiksusti toteutetut äänensävynsäädöt kruununaan Quadin bravuuri – Tilt Control. Tinkimätön virtalähde ja laadukkaat kondensaattorit.
The master volume control is a fully analogue, precision motorised ALPS potentiometer offering long-life and low-noise performance. The volume control is not only tactile and precise; its motorised operation will automatically rotate when adjustments are made via the remote control. A further row of three endless rotary encoders offer intuitive and immediate control over the QUAD-specific fine-tuning settings.
The original QUAD 33, as with many previous and subsequent QUAD preamplifier components, offered filters considered essential for ‘modern good quality speakers’ (as was stated at that time). Such controls are no longer required; therefore, in applying modern-day logic and suitability to today’s technology, the new QUAD 33 presents bass adjustment, tilt control and balance control to allow tuning to a fine degree without intruding unnecessarily into the harmonic range essential for realistic reproduction.
The bass control allows adjustment from-3dB to +3dB. Perfect for subtle adjustments in the low-end, as a solution to adding body to thinner source material. Or conversely, reducing bass tones in the event of room-affected ’boominess’. In comparison to the time of launch of the original QUAD 33, loudspeakers and source materials have evolved mainly for the better. This evolution saw the adoption of ‘Tilt’ control in the QUAD 33’ssuccessor, the QUAD 34 (1982).
Developed by QUAD founder, the legendary Peter Walker, the Tilt control is an audiophile-quality solution for adjusting tone. Its design stems from the belief that traditional tone and EQ controls are inadequate and clumsy when adjusting tonal balance.
The Tilt control differs in that it adjusts both ends of the frequency spectrum together, either attenuating the bass and lifting the treble, or lifting the bass and attenuating the treble in 1dB steps.
Essentially, it rotates – or tilts – the audible frequency range on a 700Hz axis, thereby adjusting the overall sound balance with ’warm’ or ’cool’ hints without altering volume or adding colour to the sound. This feature is unique to QUAD and offers a subtle, precise, and consistent way to adjust your system’s performance and compensate for recordings or environments.

” Preis/Leistung: Uberragend ” AUDIO STEREOPLAY (1/2025)