Clearaudion hieno levysoitinkokonaisuus .Sisältää Performance DC-pyörittimen, Clarify Carbon-äänivarren ja Virtuoso V2-äänirasian(MM). Vallankumouksellinen magneettilaakerointi. 40mm paksu levylautanen tarkkuustyötä. Sandwich-rakenteinen kahdesta alumiinilevystä ja prosessoidusta puusta tehty runko. Ilmava luonnollinen ääni. Saatavana mustana hopeisella reunalla tai hopeisena mustalla reunalla.
Saatavana myös pelkkä Performance DC-pyöritin hintaan 2500€
Lisävarusteena akryylinen pölysuoja 315€
The Performance DC is a complete package designed to open up the high-end listening experience to those who prefer to avoid the selection and adjustment of separate cartridges or tonearms, and who simply seek the best in music reproduction. A newly developed DC motor with high precision bearings and belt drive, in conjunction with a platter of 40mm-thick POM which rests on a Clearaudio ceramic magnetic bearing (CMB), provide optimal conditions for the correct sampling of the record groove.
The elegant and simple appearance of the Performance DC with its clear lines matches its excellent audio performance.
In combination with the Clarify tonearm and the Virtuoso V2 moving magnet (MM) cartridge, a turntable package has been created that leaves virtually nothing to be desired. Excellent tracking properties and hyper-accurate speed synchronisation ensure the ultimate listening pleasure.

” * * * * * ” HI-FI CHOICE (Jan 2012)

” The Performance SE combines quality engineering with top-class sound. ” WHAT HI-FI (Aug 2012)
” Ultra stable and way above the price class ” AUDIOPHILE (2/2013)

” Highly commended. Indeed, the TT5 tonearm really makes it greater than the sum of its parts, bringing a wonderfully spacious and stable sound that you’ll struggle to get from conventional tonearms. Factor in the superlative build, finish and compactness, and this combination punches way above its price point. ” – Performance DC & TT5-äänivarsi – HI-FI NEWS (June 2017)

” Referenzklasse, Preis/Leistung: Uberragend ” -kokoonpano Performance DC-Tracer-MC Concept- AUDIO (2/2018)

” One of 50 Greatest Bargains in High-End Audio 2020 ” The Absolute Sound

” Das Clearaudio-Trio aus Performance, TT5 und Essence ergibt ein echtes Dreamteam ” HIFI & RECORDS (1/2016)

” I really liked the clear, open sound anf fast paced bass rhythms ” HI-FI+ (March 2015)

” Editor’s Choice Award 2024 ” The Absolute Sound