Micro Line-hionnalla tehty Clearaudio Concept MC-rasia on hintaluokassaan tyylikästä ja hienostunutta ääntä tarjoileva vaihtoehto. Runko alumiinimagnesiumia keraamisella pinnoituksella. Paino 8g.
Here, audiophile explorers discover what the optimisation of magnetic circuits can deliver: this cartridge releases crystal clear sounds and represents nothing less than a revolution in its class.
Equipped with a boron cantilever, the concept mc has channel matching to within half a decibel, 11 ohms internal impedance and is fitted with a Micro Line stylus – features normally unheard of in this price range. All of which adds up to make this high quality cartridge a bargain for the cost-conscious high-end fan.

” Highly commended ” HI-FI NEWS ( Yearbook )

” Goldenes Ohr ” AUDIO

” 1.Platz Highlights ” STEREOPLAY