Regan suosittu Fono Mini A2D MK2 on pienikokoinen, ääneltään hintaluokassaan mainio RIAA-vahvistin MM- ja high output MC-äänirasioille. USB-ulostulo, jossa säädettävä gain.. Erillinen pienikokoinen virtalähde.
- Compatible with all moving magnet cartridges
- USB output
- A2D functionality
- Compact custom case design
- Adjustable gain level to optimise performance
The Fono Mini A2D is a compact high quality moving magnet disc stage with a circuit based on our multi award winning Fono MM. Our best selling phono stage also includes a USB interface which allows you to transfer your beloved vinyl to digital audio files.
The Fono Mini A2D is a high-quality phono pre-amplifier for use with any moving magnet cartridge. The addition of a USB interface allows you to easily transfer vinyl to your PC if required. The restyled Fono Mini A2D amplifier offers improved usability, exceptional performance and incredible value for money while promising to be a valuable addition to any hi-fi set up.

” Sound 5 stars – Build 4 stars – Features 5 stars – Overall 5 stars ” WHAT HI-FI (April 2024)