Sort Kone on tehokas tapa siirtää resonanssienergiat ja värähtelyt pois laitteistasi tai kaiuttimistasi. Alumiinia / pronssia / titaania ja keraaminen kuula. Varastossa AC- ja BC-versiot, tehdastilauksena 3-4 viikkoa lisää ja TC-versiota. Hinta/kpl.
– AC alumiini/keraaminen 120€/kpl
– BC pronssi/keraaminen 210€/kpl
– TC titaani/keraaminen 495€/kpl
The Sort Kone is a directly coupled and mechanically tuned resonance control device, using a sophisticated new approach to the problem of supporting sensitive electronics.
Whereas most equipment supports are referred to as Isolation Devices, this actually completely misunderstands the nature of the problem. The most harmful mechanical energy doesn’t enter the equipment from outside; it’s generated internally by the audio circuits and their power supplies. Transformers, power supply capacitors, even the active devices themselves, all vibrate as they operate – and those vibrations occur right where the fragile signal is, creating timing errors that smear and distort the music. The Sort Kone is designed specifically to deal with this threat to audio fidelity.
Sort Kones provide a “blacker” background to your music. With it comes greater focus, instrumental color, depth, transparency and dynamic range. Your system will sound more natural and more lifelike, your music more lively and engaging, the musicians like better musicians – simply because you’ll finally be able to hear the notes they’re playing, the way they play them and precisely when. So, release the hidden performance that’s lurking in your equipment.
• Three-part construction employs superior materials in a mechanically tuned configuration.
• Bypasses soft feet fitted to equipment to provide a direct mechanical ground path for internal energy.
• Can be used in triplets, quartets or even larger numbers.
• Height: 56mm
• Three levels of price and performance, depending on materials employed:
AC – aluminum post and base in combination with an upgraded ceramic coupling ball.
BC – bronze post and base elements combined with an upgraded ceramic coupling ball.
TC – titanium post and base in combination with an upgraded ceramic coupling ball.
All units are individually packed so that you can determine the optimum number for your system’s requirements.

” Highly recommended ” HI-FI+ (Issue 143)
”With all these Sort components in place, the system is really cookin’. So, it’s time to take them all away and see what happens. Then it’s almost immediately time to put them all back in, because taking them out was such a shock to the system: both yours and the electronics. What was cookin’ is now stale. The unSorted sound is like your system on a bad hair day. The soundstage seems to fold in on itself, the natural sense of harmonic overtones, and sense of musical structure to the sound has weakened. It’s just not all there!”
– Alan Sircom, Hi-Fi+

” The width and depth of the sounstage had increased and the ever-telling foot-tapping had started. Despite my best efforts this sceptic was losing the battle. ” StereoNet (Sep 2017)
”I can wholeheartedly recommend the Nordost Sort Kones as a major step forward in improving sound at a reasonable cost.”
– Fred Crowder, Dagogo
”Ranging from the subtle in some areas to the easily distinguishable in others, the Sort Kone BCs nevertheless made an overall undeniable improvement to my system’s levels of transparency, harmonic decay, detail retrieval and soundstage presentation.”
– Edgar Kramer, SoundStage! Australia

”…greater sonic ease and less edginess, an improvement in subtle detail retrieval, and more coherent dynamics. Music just sounded more focused and less jumbled, as if small timing errors had been corrected…Sor Füt helped ratchet up my system’s performance across the board without any apparent downsides.”
— Kirk Midtskog, The Absolute Sound
“The Nordost AC SORT KONES are far more than a tweak, and that to even consider them tweaks denies their stunning music-freeing abilities. We very highly recommend the Nordost SORT KONES as an amazing, stand-alone, portable rack system, that will allow one’s music to sing at a level above.”
— K. E. Heartsong, AudioKey Reviews

” The AC Kones undoubtedly moved things further in the right direction, improving timing and revealing more textures in the notes.” HI-FI+ (Aug 2024)