C-USB on Chord Companyn edullinen tuote laadukkaaseen signaalinsiirtoon USB-väylää pitkin.
Kaksinkertainen häiriäsuojaus, joka toimii tehokkaasti aina korkeisiin taajuuksiin asti. Hyvä eristys. Kullatut liittimien kontaktipinnat. Happivapaat, hopeoidut johtimet. Saatavana pituuksin 0,75m – 1,5m – 3,0m – 5,0m.
Hooking up a computer to a DAC seems is becoming an increasingly popular way to listen to music and there are many purpose built DACs for doing exactly this. There are also a lot DACs being used primarily with CD and for that matter CD players with USB inputs. So connecting a laptop up to the DAC via a USB cable is a simple way to start exploring streaming services like Spotify or Tidal. If you do this then the C-USB is a very good cable to try.
Comparing different USB cables is very like comparing any other audio cables. The differences are very easy to hear. Pick a piece of music you know well, listen to it via a standard USB cable and then with the C-USB in place. Detail will be clearer, voices more natural and critically, music should sound more coherent and easier to listen to.
We understand the theory suggesting these cables should have no effect, but we don’t make cables unless they produce a better listening experience. Don’t take our word for it, however. Chord Company dealers will let you try one for yourself.
Heavy gauge, oxygen-free, silver-plated conductors. Low loss, gas foamed polyethylene insulation. Twisted pair data conductor configuration. Dual layer, high frequency effective shielding. Gold-plated plug and signal pins.
Available in 0.75m, 1.5m, 3m and 5m lengths

Reviewed in August, 2017
“I use the C-USB to connect a Windows PC to my Alpha Design Labs GT40a (HFC 399), which is acting as a DAC for playing music files on my computer through my hi-fi. When I play a hi-res 24/192 PCM file of The Locrian Ensemble of London playing the Rondo from Mozart’s Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, I notice audible improvements in terms of the accuracy of the instrument placement within the soundstage.
As with other cables in Chord’s impressive C-range, the C-USB looks and feels incredibly well made, and will ensure that your music file signals are handled with integrity for years to come”
Hi-Fi Choice 427